The Constraints for Brazil’s Role in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict


  • Isabelle Somma de Castro


Brazilian foreign policy, Israel, Gaza


The Hamas-led attack on Israel evidenced how the Palestine question is a significant point of contention between the two major political spectrums in Brazil. The conservative bloc is pushing for a pro-Tel Aviv stand, while Lula’s government criticizes Netanyahu’s pro-war position. There is little room for Brazilian diplomacy to play a role in the conflict unless the polarization in the country eases or the North-American position changes.

Author Biography

Isabelle Somma de Castro

Pesquisadora do Núcleo de Pesquisa em Relações Internacionais (Nupri-USP), doutora em História Social e mestre em Letras Orientais pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Foi Visiting Student na Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies da Universidade de Cambridge (bolsa Capes) e Visiting Scholar no Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies da Universidade de Columbia (bolsa Fapesp).



How to Cite

Somma de Castro, I. (2024). The Constraints for Brazil’s Role in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. CEBRI-Revista: Brazilian Journal of International Affairs, (10), 84–99. Retrieved from