China-U.S.A.: a reading of the hegemony dispute trajectory


  • Marcos Caramuru de Paiva


China, United States, international order, Xi Jinping, Joe Biden


This article analyzes the recent history and relevant factors related to the China-United States dispute for hegemony, and its impact in the redesign of the international order. The bilateral relationship has reached a tension point that will not dissipate. At the same time, China does not seem to have sufficiently mature instruments to exercise a new leadership. Its focus is on Asia, the scenario with the greatest potential for the dispute’s intensification. The reality as it presents itself today will define a new interaction framework between countries in the world sphere.

Author Biography

Marcos Caramuru de Paiva

Sócio e gestor da KEMU consultoria, membro do Conselho Consultivo Internacional do CEBRI e foi embaixador em Pequim.



How to Cite

Caramuru de Paiva, M. (2022). China-U.S.A.: a reading of the hegemony dispute trajectory. CEBRI-Revista: Brazilian Journal of International Affairs, (2), 53–69. Retrieved from