Brazil's Experience in Diplomatic Mediation and Prospects for Future Actions


  • Fernando de Mello Barreto


diplomatic mediation, Brazil, Chaco War, Leticia Question


The text examines historical instances of diplomatic mediation, which are a key component of Brazilian foreign policy. It provides a theoretical overview of the subject and a review of historical examples: the Chaco War and the Leticia Question in the first half of the 20th century; the Peru-Ecuador conflict in the 1990s; and the Turkish-Brazilian mediation between Iran and other nations in 2010.

Author Biography

Fernando de Mello Barreto

Embaixador e autor de livros sobre a história diplomática brasileira. Tem graus de bacharel (Universidade de São Paulo), mestre (Columbia University) e doutor (University of Connecticut) em Direito; chefiou as embaixadas brasileiras na Austrália e na Rússia, bem como os consulados-gerais em Londres, Boston e Hartford. Atualmente é professor colaborador do Instituto de Relações Internacionais da Universidade de São Paulo.



How to Cite

Barreto, F. de M. (2024). Brazil’s Experience in Diplomatic Mediation and Prospects for Future Actions. CEBRI-Revista: Brazilian Journal of International Affairs, (10), 211–234. Retrieved from