The End of a Fiction


  • Salem Nasser


Palestine, Israel, Brazil, multipolar world, foreign policy


The war in Gaza has brought to an end the long-standing fiction that the international community was working on toward completing the two-States project and also to the impossibility of that project ever succeeding. Therefore, Brazil has to reevaluate its historic position towards the Palestinian issue and define a new attitude. It is a challenge in terms of adherence to the values our foreign policy purports to uphold and power strategies. The war also reveals an ongoing transformation, which it helps achieve, leading to a redistribution of power worldwide. Brazil is in a relatively good position to occupy a place of greater importance, but there are challenges to be faced if it wishes to express such an ambition.

Author Biography

Salem Nasser

Professor de Direito Internacional da FGV Direito SP e estudioso do Oriente Médio,
do mundo árabe e do Islã. Publica a newsletter Selective Blindness na plataforma Foi
condecorado como Oficial da Ordem do Rio Branco.



How to Cite

Nasser, S. (2024). The End of a Fiction. CEBRI-Revista: Brazilian Journal of International Affairs, (10), 179–189. Retrieved from