The Middle East is Here: Brazil between Christian Zionism and South-South Solidarity


  • Natalia Nahas Calfat IPSA USP


war on Gaza, autocratization, transnationalism, Palestinization, foreign policy


While the Brazilian right has solidified its rapprochement with Christian Zionism in recent decades, the left has strengthened its historic association with South-South solidarity and the Question of Palestine. Within the spectrum, both capitalize politically over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Has the October 7th attack affected such dynamic? This policy paper features these parallel ideological transnationalities and identifies which novelties the war brings towards the domestic polarization paradigm, discussing its implications for Brazilian foreign policy.

Author Biography

Natalia Nahas Calfat, IPSA USP

Mestre e doutora em Ciência Política pela Universidade de São Paulo, pesquisadora do Grupo de Trabalho sobre Oriente Médio e Mundo Muçulmano (LEA-USP) e professora assistente na IPSA USP Summer School in Concepts, Methods, and Techniques in Political Science, Public Policy, and International Relations.



How to Cite

Nahas Calfat, N. (2024). The Middle East is Here: Brazil between Christian Zionism and South-South Solidarity. CEBRI-Revista: Brazilian Journal of International Affairs, (10), 42–62. Retrieved from