The Foreign Policy of Reconstruction: Contributions to the Analysis of Brazilian Foreign Policy since 2023


  • Laura Trajber Waisbich Universidade de Oxford


Brazilian foreign policy, policy dismantling, reconstruction, international development cooperation


The year 2023 marks the first year of Brazil’s new coalition government, led by Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Workers’ Party), and of his reconstruction foreign policy. This article investigates the contours of ongoing efforts to strengthen State capacities after years of dismantling, reinserting, and raising Brazil’s credentials in a changing world. It also points to some of the challenges to do so, notably long-standing strategic-diplomatic planning bottlenecks and the struggle to secure foreign policy coherence. The paper also discusses the contours and challenges of rebuilding Brazil’s international development cooperation agenda and portfolio since 2023. 



How to Cite

Waisbich, L. T. (2024). The Foreign Policy of Reconstruction: Contributions to the Analysis of Brazilian Foreign Policy since 2023. CEBRI-Revista: Brazilian Journal of International Affairs, (9), 58–79. Retrieved from