A Brief History of the G20 and Social Participation in the Brazilian Agenda for 2024


  • Leonardo Ramos PUC Minas
  • Ana Garcia Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro


G20, institutionalization processes, Brazil, Global South, social participation


The article presents a brief history of the G20, with focus on crucial moments that help understand its institutionalization processes as well as the moments of crisis this forum undergoes. After this, the main points of the Brazilian agenda for the G20 in 2024 will be presented, focusing particularly on the discussion of social participation and the influence of different civil society organizations. The aim is to contribute to a better identification and contextualization of dilemmas and possibilities that Brazil faces in this context.



How to Cite

Ramos, L., & Garcia, A. (2024). A Brief History of the G20 and Social Participation in the Brazilian Agenda for 2024. CEBRI-Revista: Brazilian Journal of International Affairs, (9), 177–194. Retrieved from https://cebri-revista.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/160