Understanding Nowadays Africa through Discursive/Imagery Fragments


  • Felix U. Kaputu Bard College


The concept of “the invention of Africa” captivates the continent’s attributed characteristics attributed to Western endeavors focusing on “unhistorical” Africa, slavery, colonization, post-coloniality, poverty, cooperation, and underdevelopment. Today, a persisting interrogation of the continent’s present and future seeks to discover how African leaders have moved people toward their well-being. The text produces a coherent narrative about African political leaders’ failure to innovate and “reinvent” the continent for responsible access to the common good and globalization. 




How to Cite

Kaputu, F. U. (2023). Understanding Nowadays Africa through Discursive/Imagery Fragments. CEBRI-Revista: Brazilian Journal of International Affairs, (6), 200–213. Retrieved from https://cebri-revista.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/130