Promoting a New Narrative for Progress and Prosperity: Tapping the Potential of the Brazilian G20 Presidency


  • Markus Engels
  • Dennis J. Snower


G20, economic transformation, recoupling, sustainable development


Brazil can make history with its G20 Presidency. With the main priorities of the Presidency–promoting social inclusion and food security; the clean energy transition and sustainable development; and reform of global governance institutions–the country can tackle major global problems by recoupling economic progress with social and environmental prosperity. This way, Brazil can ensure that people worldwide enjoy economic sufficiency, social cohesion, individual empowerment, and environmental sustainability.

Biografia do Autor

Markus Engels

Secretary General of the Global Solutions Initiative. He is a social scientist with a background in politics and international affairs.

Dennis J. Snower

Founder and President of the Global Solutions Initiative, Berlin; Professorial Fellow at the Institute for New Economic Thinking, Oxford University, and Non-resident Fellow at Brookings.



Como Citar

Engels, M., & J. Snower, D. (2024). Promoting a New Narrative for Progress and Prosperity: Tapping the Potential of the Brazilian G20 Presidency. CEBRI-Revista: Brazilian Journal of International Affairs, (8), 238–244. Recuperado de



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