G20: Participation of Non-State Actors and Prospects for the Brazilian Presidency


  • Márcia Loureiro


G20, Brazil, T20, social participation, non-state actors


This article focuses on the role of non-state actors in the G20 structure, through their participation in the Engagement Groups. It outlines how these groups have evolved and what to expect in 2024, concerning the degree of convergence between their agendas and the priorities of the Brazilian Presidency, and the possible improvement of government-society interaction mechanisms. The article also discusses some challenges to the consolidation and meaningful participation of Engagement Groups in the G20 processes.

Biografia do Autor

Márcia Loureiro

Career Ambassador with experience in the areas of multilateral economic organizations, science and technology cooperation, congressional affairs, and cooperation against transnational crime. She has served in the embassies in Lima and Washington, and in the consulates in Boston, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. Since July 2021, she has been the president of the Alexandre de Gusmão Foundation (FUNAG), a research institution affiliated with the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.



Como Citar

Loureiro, M. . (2024). G20: Participation of Non-State Actors and Prospects for the Brazilian Presidency. CEBRI-Revista: Brazilian Journal of International Affairs, (8), 21–35. Recuperado de https://cebri-revista.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/165



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